Il lato oscuro
Who has a cool idea for a costume to wear at a costume party?
How to become an expert on nearly any subject
The key to online success is authority. The key to authority is knowing what the heck you’re talking about, and being able to express it well.
So what’s the key to knowing what the heck you’re talking about?
One of the things that holds people back from creating information-based businesses is the insecurity that they’ll never be able to learn enough to be an expert. Here’s how to become insanely knowledgeable about nearly any subject under the sun.
If you’re a one-eyed man, work with that
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
You’re not going to get to Nobel-prizewinner authority status using what you read in this blog post. (Although if you think you are, kudos to you for thinking big.)
There will always be people who are smarter, more skilled, and more knowledgeable than you are. Don’t let that get you down.
You don’t have to be Richard Feynman to teach high school physics. You don’t have to be Joshua Bell to teach violin to a three-year-old.
Sure, you want to be the “best in the world.” The best in your world. You don’t have to be the entire planet’s foremost authority on your topic. You might have the best content among the folks who are advertising on Google AdWords. You could be the foremost expert in a particular online forum. You might be the biggest expert in your town.
If you’re the best in the place where your customers hang out, you’re the best. Don’t turn your nose up at being a big fish in a small pond. There’s a lot of success, satisfaction and wealth to be found in small ponds.
And all those folks who truly are wiser about your topic than you are? Those are your teachers and mentors, whether or not you ever meet them face to face.
Study what they’ve written. Synthesize their work into your own. Give them ample credit for educating you. When you openly acknowledge your debt to them, a portion of their credibility rubs off on you.
Make it easy
You might not be the planet’s greatest authority on your topic. But it’s just possible you could become the most accessible authority.
Make life better for your customers by taking something hard and making it easy.
Take boring scholarly articles and turn them into interesting audio recordings. Take complicated diagrams and turn them into good stories. Take books written 40 or 50 years ago, update the language and the examples, and turn them into Camtasia videos.
If I want to learn to cook Italian food, I may not be ready for a renowned master like Marcella Hazan. I might want the simple recipes and breezy style of a Rachel Ray.
In order to learn, teach
There’s no better way to become a master than to find some fellow apprentices and start teaching them.
You start by teaching the folks who know absolutely nothing and don’t know how to find the basics for themselves. (Or who just don’t want to.) Teach the tried-and-true. It doesn’t matter how many other people are doing it. Do it well, put your own personality into it, and you’ll find students.
As you teach, you’ll find that the “simple stuff” gains a new depth and richness. You’ll start to see things about your topic that you never did before. And as you keep learning, you’ll be able to teach more and more sophisticated students.
Before you know it, you’re a guru.
You can study for decades and not learn what you can by teaching for a month or two. Just remember to be honest about your skill and experience level, and you’ll find the right students for you.
Begin with the end in mind
Your goal in becoming an expert isn’t to look and feel like a giant smartypants. It’s to help your readers and customers.
You might want to neatly letter this on a card and stick it somewhere you can see every time you use your computer. IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU.
Blowhards and know-it-alls have a tough time online. The “social” nature of social media means there’s always someone with a pin looking to deflate that bloated ego. When you try to position yourself as “the smartest guy in the room,” you’ll find yourself ducking constant potshots.
On the other hand, serious students are rewarded. (They still get potshots, but they have a community to help deflect them.) When you approach your subject with curiosity, modesty, and a sincere desire to help, you’ll find raving fans.
As long as you always keep your audience and their needs at the forefront, you can’t lose.
Want to know more about putting it all together?
I joined Teaching Sells within about two minutes of the original launch. (That was months before I started writing for Copyblogger, as it happens.) If you have an idea for a topic you want to master and monetize, there’s no better program than Teaching Sells to teach you the nuts and bolts of how to do that.
Brian’s relaunching the program, and he’s put together a bunch of nifty free stuff that can get you started, whether or not you decide to buy. You can sign up for that here.
-Sonia Simone-
Per chi ama la tipografia (parte 2), vorrei far notare l´aspetto del font digitale presente sui pannelli informativi sui mezzi pubblici (in special modo, dei tram); i caratteri non sono composti da quei classici poligoni esagonali ma da elementi dalle forme molteplici che, mi pare di capire, possono apparire in qualsiasi posizione dello schermo in modo tale da creare diversi testi con questo font molto chiaro e, soprattutto, molto piú "naturale" ed autentico rispetto al tradizionale digitale.
La tipografia tedesca spacca ancora e sempre piú.
Agente Arnie, abbiamo una missione per te
La suspense é incredibile:veramente un lavoro da alti maestri. Piaciuto a tutti.
Italia-Germania 1-1
Fritti, Scampi, et Chianti, calamari
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Cannelloni, Luca Toni, Pepperoni
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Bella Donna, Mama Mia, Alimente
Ciao Ciao, Roma Roma, Ribery, Amore Mio
Mozzarella, Mortadella, Mit Nutella
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Prego, Foul an Luca Toni
Simulazioni, Stehe wieder auf (hey)
Prego, Luca Tore mache, Und bei Jubel lache, Campioni LUCA TONI
Zabaione, Minestrone, Oben Ohne
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Italiani, trifft Germani, große Klappe
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Bella Donna, Mama Mia, Alimente
Ciao Ciao, Roma Roma, Ribery, Amore Mio
Amaretto, Rigoletto, Benedetto
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Prego, Aqua minerale ,Grappa speziale
Cozze vongole
Prego, Foto di panini, Schicker Lamborghini, Luca Toni kriegt Millioni
Tortellini, Cappuccini, Con Martini
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Luca Toni, Telefoni, Berlusconi
Chiama qui per te - NUMERO UNO
Bella Donna, Mama Mia, Alimente
Ciao Ciao, Roma Roma, Ribery, Amore Mio
Schwarze Haare, Viel palare, Calcio di mondiale ma per me - NUMERO UNO
Welcome to the news of the world:
Colero ma-kio mio millo piascolo piccolo, no, Monaco di bavaria, Campioni del Mondo, no, EM ausgeschieden, no que bello, no, alora que bello
Gool de Luca Toni!!
Tortellini, Cappuccini, Con Martini
Luca sei per me - NUMERO UNO
Luca Toni, Telefoni, Berlusconi
Chiama qui per te - NUMERO UNO
Bella Donna, Mama Mia, Alimente
Ciao Ciao, Roma Roma, Ribery, Amore Mio
Schwarze Haare, Viel palare, Calcio di mondiale ma per me - NUMERO UNO
Il canone Vignelli
Per chi ama o é interessato alla Tipografia ed il Layout, ecco una bella sorpresa dal web: il libro, totalmente gratuito e scaricabile, "The Vignelli Canon" scritto da, come intuibile, Massimo Vignelli.
"Massimo Vignelli, uno dei maggiori esponenti italiani nell’ambito del Graphic Design, nonché autore dell’immagine di American Airlines e della Metro della Città di New York, ha recentemente pubblicato un libro su come lui intenda i canoni di proporzioni, spazi e lettering per realizzare lavori grafici degni di nota.
The Vignelli Canon è un libro in pdf liberamente scaricabile in cui l’autore porta in rassegna numerosi lavori spiegandone le strutture e le caratteristiche che hanno contribuito al loro successo."
-Damiano Falchetti- (via)
3. Use vigorous English.
One rule to follow. From Ernest Hemingway.
3. Use vigorous English.
It’s muscular, forceful. Vigorous English comes from passion, focus and intention. It’s the difference between putting in a good effort and TRYING to move a boulder… and actually sweating, grunting, straining your muscles to the point of exhaustion… and MOVING the freaking thing!
E sicuramente si puó applicare all´italiano..
Tenacious D and the pick of destiny
Un pugno nello stomaco
Slittini Assassini
Lo sport preferito dai Pikkoli Kinder Teteschi in inverno? Ma ovviamente la "discesa mortale in slittino"; i parchi pubblici ricoperti di neve rappresentano il teatro ideale per queste competizioni clandestine ad alto rischio durante le quali, bambini alti poco piú di un cicciobello, si lanciano a folle velocitá giú dai ghiacciati pendii naturali con mezzi in legno dalle inesistenti capacitá di frenata. Presi dalla mania, anche gli adulti si esercitano spesso nella disciplina utilizzando peró gli stessi strumenti dei piú piccoli con evidenti, come si puó imaginare, risultati ridicoli.
Attenzione peró: nonostante l´apparente goliardia del gioco, esso rapresenta un´attivitá ad alto, altissimo rischio come dimostra, peraltro, il filmato seguente.
The favourite winter sport in Berlin, among children, is skidding in the parks. But, pay attention: the risk is really really reaaaaally high. Watch the video below.
Pitt y panna, alci, ghiaccio e ottusitá nordica.
Dopo l´annusatore di ascelle ed il gonfia gommoli, ora arriva come lavoro svilente "il reggi-cartello via testa"... a meno 15° deve essere anche molto piacevole
La prima stalattite avvistata dopo l´ultima volta nelle grotte durante la gita delle elementari
L´invasione dei rospi volanti
La TV in Svezia non deve essere molto seguita...Comunque non vorei essere nei panni dei bimbi che dovranno rimettere le chiappe in questi passegini criogenizzati
Il nostro ostello
La crew dalla Sicilia
Non ricordo...
Mi vuoi preparare una zuppa?
Craiglist is a website full of announces of different kinds. Read the request below written by a genius..
do you want to prepare me the supper? I offer (Berlin)
Date: 2009-01-08, 7:46PM CET
I'm not able to cook.
So, I can offer you the possibility to prepare me the dinner.
Contact me one day before, at least.. the necessary time to buy something!